Coming out is the process of sharing one’s authentic identity with others, even if that identity is in development or exploration. It is a process of sharing more with others what we have been hiding and holding back. In other words, we share our true thoughts and feelings. There is a time and place for this, but it is a process that all humans must face. We all have skeletons in the closet so to speak. It is up to us to decide what to share, who to share it with and with the right minded considerations of ourselves and others. Generally, when coming out, one begins to admit to themselves what their real feelings and desires are and come to terms with it. It can be confusing as desires are often in conflict with each other and we are often facing shame, guilt and fear. Though this process is often not easy, and one should trust their intuition in the process, it is ultimately a positive process of growth into one’s more authentic expansion of self. At the same time, when we come out, we must weigh the implications and take our time. Of course, I’m happy to help with that navigation. Coming out can radically impact your life socially, and the lives of those around you.
Some things we might like to talk about in counseling include:
- Coming out to ourselves in our own time and our own words
- Navigating the gender expections of others
- Navigating how others might respond and how they actually respond
- Navigating the threats of violence, job loss, family rejection and so on
- Planning a transition
- Getting support in place and having a “plan B” for when it doesn’t go right the first time
Also, I want to share an article I wrote for Edge Dallas many years ago The Mystery of Coming Out.