Mental Health

Choosing a counselor that is right for you is important.  No counselor can work with every client.  No client will be able to really connect with every counselor.  So, if you are not connecting with your counselor, you should discuss it with them.  That may actually provide for a more authentic connection and re-stimulate the relationship.   If you haven’t chosen a counselor yet, then there are a variety of options you might consider.  Of course, I am happy to help.  You can also call 211 if you need social services.  (Excuse my AI, but melf-help is funny!)

Addiction Treatment


Eating Disorder Intensive


Pediatric Psychology

Pediatric Psychiatric Care

Psychiatric Care

Psychiatric Hospitals

Pediatric Psychiatric Hospitals

Teen Intensive Outpatient / Partial Hospitalization

Retired or No Longer Practicing

  • Michael Bledsoe
  • Annemarie St.John